Bonus: 17 Strategic Things A Business Can Do During a Slow-Down or Shut-Down

// Some work can be done from home, but some cannot. Whether your industry is currently taking a hit or you are taking “social distancing” seriously as a business, it’s time to start looking for any opportunity this disruption might offer. Here are 17 things that could move the needle for service-based, hands-on businesses that shut down or slow down during the COVID-19 outbreak.

1. Catch up on paperwork.

2. Take a close look around your building and make a list of things that you need to or would like to change. What is broken? What doesn’t fit your brand? What small changes could be made to make a difference in how your employees, patients, or customers experience your brand?

3. Hold a strategic planning meeting via teleconference. Be sure to include a clear action plan at the end!

4. Review and revamp processes and systems such as: client intake and outtake, business development, communications, paperwork, customer experience, customer service talking points, etc.

5. Analyze a typical day for wasted time and energy, then make a plan for implementing changes.

6. Organize your online cloud storage.

7. Write an article you could use for content marketing now or in the future.

8. Create and hold an educational webinar for current clients, customers, or patients.

9. Listen to business and leadership podcasts or books. Take notes and make a list of actions you will take based on what you learn.

10. Survey your team with a Google Form. What’s working? What’s not working? What ideas do they have to improve the business? What ideas do they have for work they could create for themselves in this time of social distance?

11. Have 1:1 conversations with people on your team. How are things going for them personally? Where are they now and where do they want to go?

12. Provide an online workshop connected to a personality/strengths assessment to help your team work better with each other.

13. Create and provide online leadership training in small increments (short videos/audio).

14. Have small groups or individuals review research and report back to the group via teleconference.

15. Give each person a stipend for an online course or book, then ask them to report back to the group with slides in Google docs.

16. Have everyone read a book or listen to a podcast and then create a discussion around it that would propel the group forward.

17. Find a way your team can work together to help your community.

Keep a running list of ideas for what you and your team could do but you haven’t had time to do. Ask your team for their input, then decide: “What things can others do and which of these things do I need to do?”



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