#15 Be Bold. What Do You Have to Lose? with Tim Moomey
// I measured my mind against my dad’s. I watched him make decisions to lead our family with confident precision. And from what I could tell, most of the time the outcome was just what he intended. I wanted to move in the world like that. I wanted to awe and lead others with the confident precision of my mind just like my dad. And for some reason, I believed I could.
~Andrea Joy Wenburg in UNFROZEN: Stop Holding Back and Release the Real You
In this special Father’s Day edition of the Voice of Influence podcast, I interview my dad, Tim Moomey. In this episode we discuss his voice and career, including a few things I didn’t know! There are timeless, inspirational lessons here, so don’t miss this one. Mentioned in the episode:
- How Tim built a career and life of meaning by knocking on doors and creating opportunities instead of waiting for them.
- The importance of following and showing support to kids and your community.
- What if your dreams or desires are actually an indication of how you could meet a need in the world?
- First State Bank Investment Center of Holdrege, Nebraska
- Tim on local NTV as a regular feature: Financial Planner
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Hey, hey! It’s Andrea and welcome to the Voice of Influence podcast. Now, every interview I’ve done in the past and plan to do in the future are all very special to me for different reasons. But a lot of times it has to do with the fact that I actually know the people I’m talking to and I’m very interested in what they have to say.
Well, today it’s an extra special interview and that is because I’m interviewing my dad! It’s Father’s Day weekend and he is definitely a Voice of Influence in my life and in his community, in particular. We’ve had some really good conversations in the past regarding this idea of voice and what it means to be a leader and things like that.
Andrea: So I’m thrilled to have you here on the podcast with me today, Dad!
Tim: Well, it’s good to be here.
Andrea: So this is Tim Moomey. I want to start by letting people know, kind of, what you do. Could you give us a little snippet of what you do for your job?
Tim: For my job? OK. I am a Certified Financial Planner. I help people plan retirement, their social security maximization. I meet with people and help them plan investing in general. We also do other things like long-term care insurance, life insurance, but our focus is on investments and helping people get to a point where they can comfortably retire.
Andrea: And is this something that you’ve always wanted to do? Did you know you wanted to do this as a kid or how did you get involved?
Tim: It evolved. When I was in high school I thought I wanted to be a music teacher. In college I got a teaching degree in music.